Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
animal farm stuff
Hi all,
This is me again. I am now posting about animal farm stuff.
I will be writing a summary of chapter 5, which is an important chapter and marks the most important turning point of events for the farm.
As winter drew, Molli became increasingly troublesome. She turned out to be a pain in the neck for the other animals, for her work productivity was extremely low, and she consistently refused to cooperate. Clover later discovered that she had betrayed the farm by intereacting with Pilkington's men. She was later forgotten by the rest. Meanwhile, winter was arriving, but Napoleon and Snowball were caught in a power struggle. Both argued over trivial matters at the Meetings. Snowball would raise plans for innovations and improvements, while Napoleon would talk about working on the yield and acquiring fire arms. The most controversial topic was the one on the windmill. Snowball derived a plan for its construction, on which Napoleon crudely urined. Snowball often won the majoriy's vote due to his eloquence and powerful oration. One day, Napoleon expelled Snowball using the dogs he had indoctrinated in seclusion. Soon after Napoleon took power, he annnounced a ban on all Meetings, to avoid any argument and disagreement towards his decisions, and to secure his domination. Napoleon later ordered old Major's skill to be disinterred and set up at the foot of the flagstaff as a monument of respect. This is a wicked method of propaganda aimed at relating himself to old Major to heighten his social status and secure power. It reflects his greed, his large ego, and the bleak future of Animal Farm. Napoleon soon announced that the windmill would be undergoing construction. He had in fact waited for Snowball to complete his plans before expelling him, for his future reference. He apparently possessed strong foresight and intelligence. In addition, this chapter includes several cases/ incidence of propaganda by Squealer. This is hence the turning point of life for the farm animals
That's all folks.
Zhu Cheng
This is me again. I am now posting about animal farm stuff.
I will be writing a summary of chapter 5, which is an important chapter and marks the most important turning point of events for the farm.
As winter drew, Molli became increasingly troublesome. She turned out to be a pain in the neck for the other animals, for her work productivity was extremely low, and she consistently refused to cooperate. Clover later discovered that she had betrayed the farm by intereacting with Pilkington's men. She was later forgotten by the rest. Meanwhile, winter was arriving, but Napoleon and Snowball were caught in a power struggle. Both argued over trivial matters at the Meetings. Snowball would raise plans for innovations and improvements, while Napoleon would talk about working on the yield and acquiring fire arms. The most controversial topic was the one on the windmill. Snowball derived a plan for its construction, on which Napoleon crudely urined. Snowball often won the majoriy's vote due to his eloquence and powerful oration. One day, Napoleon expelled Snowball using the dogs he had indoctrinated in seclusion. Soon after Napoleon took power, he annnounced a ban on all Meetings, to avoid any argument and disagreement towards his decisions, and to secure his domination. Napoleon later ordered old Major's skill to be disinterred and set up at the foot of the flagstaff as a monument of respect. This is a wicked method of propaganda aimed at relating himself to old Major to heighten his social status and secure power. It reflects his greed, his large ego, and the bleak future of Animal Farm. Napoleon soon announced that the windmill would be undergoing construction. He had in fact waited for Snowball to complete his plans before expelling him, for his future reference. He apparently possessed strong foresight and intelligence. In addition, this chapter includes several cases/ incidence of propaganda by Squealer. This is hence the turning point of life for the farm animals
That's all folks.
Zhu Cheng
Sunday, May 10, 2009
man u owns every1
Hi all,

This post is about MANCHESTER UNITED
Let's talk about man u stuff one by one. Firstly, my entire extended family is itself a "man u fan club". Last yr, man u won the premier league clup. The UEFA cup, and THE CLUB WORLD CUP. Haha. Man u owns.
End of this month, man u will be playing barca. Let's talk about their chance of winning. This match will be a clash of the world's toughtest, most gallant, most intrepid football clubs. Man united, is now, not exactly in top form. They haven't exactly recovered from their thrashing by Liverpool, though they owned Arsenal. I'm hopeful that they will recover and return to top form by their clash with Barca. As for individual players, Rooney and Tevez are both in excellent form, but Ronaldo is not. Van der Sar is ok. Hope he'll be able to save the penalties by Barca.
As for Barcelona, they're really a strong side. They've got Henry, Messi, Eto'o, Xavi. THough two of their defenders are off and injured, they're a strong side. Henry and Eto'o are both extremely proficient attackers and forwards. They can shoot from anywhere. Messi is an all-rounder. He can break thru almost all defence. He can create scoring opportunities, or even convert opportunities into goals himself. He'll most certainly be the man of the match, for he's lethal in many ways.

Though Barca is a strong side, I am confident that Man U will win the cup this season. I believe that a month is enough for them to return to their dangerous form. (This statemet is proven . )
I think that Man U will draw with Barca in the first leg. However, they'll take ove rin the second, probably with a single goal advantage. In the event that they produce a draw for the total score, Van der Sar, I believe is better skilled and experienced than Barca's goalie, to save Man U during the penalties.
That;s all.
Zhu Cheng
Shaheen Jafargoli
Hallo people,
This is me posting again. A little rushed.
U can go to the following website to watch Shaheen Jafargoli's singing on Britain's Got Talent. His singing is really amazing.
There're quite a few things u can learn from him. Firstly, he's an amazing singer.(Duh) First point u can learn from him - go to karaok more often. Listen 2 all those songs available at the karaok area. N u can sing well. Shaheen's sung a song by Michael Jackson, which Simon Cowell remarked was a very difficult song to see, with all the varying tones, etc. Simon commented on Shaheen "That's how one song can change a life. This may be the start of sth. special for u, young man." Amanda commented that she's done the goosebump test on Shaheen, and she's got it with Paul Potts (first season's winner - I think), another guy who I dun know, and Shaheen himself. (simply speaking, he's probably going 2 win the competition) The judge commented that Shaheen's "just shown that Wales' got talent". Three positive remarks, three yeses, and he proceeded to the next round. Shows that "Practice makes perfect" for singing. However, contradictingly, I think that u really need to have the natural voice and musical sense to sing well (I'm commenting this from a piano gd 8 student's point of view.) If u dun have both, u won't know how to vary the musical tone of the song like Shaheen did. It'll be very hard to sing well. U'll most probably end up like William Hung, She Bangs, and get horribly off the tune.
Next, interestingly, Simon commented that his first song was not right for him. Think 'cause its not Shaheen's style of singing, n he's not singing it the rite way. Anyway, Shaheen looked a little lost, but kept his cool , remained undaunted, and sang the Michael Jackson song really well .That's another point to learn. One must remain cool and calm in such situations. It's also amazing that he had the song by heart, such that he could sing it right away unhesitantly. He probably sang quite often. Again, practice, practice, practice. Ur efforts will pay off.
Zhu Cheng
This is me posting again. A little rushed.
U can go to the following website to watch Shaheen Jafargoli's singing on Britain's Got Talent. His singing is really amazing.
There're quite a few things u can learn from him. Firstly, he's an amazing singer.(Duh) First point u can learn from him - go to karaok more often. Listen 2 all those songs available at the karaok area. N u can sing well. Shaheen's sung a song by Michael Jackson, which Simon Cowell remarked was a very difficult song to see, with all the varying tones, etc. Simon commented on Shaheen "That's how one song can change a life. This may be the start of sth. special for u, young man." Amanda commented that she's done the goosebump test on Shaheen, and she's got it with Paul Potts (first season's winner - I think), another guy who I dun know, and Shaheen himself. (simply speaking, he's probably going 2 win the competition) The judge commented that Shaheen's "just shown that Wales' got talent". Three positive remarks, three yeses, and he proceeded to the next round. Shows that "Practice makes perfect" for singing. However, contradictingly, I think that u really need to have the natural voice and musical sense to sing well (I'm commenting this from a piano gd 8 student's point of view.) If u dun have both, u won't know how to vary the musical tone of the song like Shaheen did. It'll be very hard to sing well. U'll most probably end up like William Hung, She Bangs, and get horribly off the tune.
Next, interestingly, Simon commented that his first song was not right for him. Think 'cause its not Shaheen's style of singing, n he's not singing it the rite way. Anyway, Shaheen looked a little lost, but kept his cool , remained undaunted, and sang the Michael Jackson song really well .That's another point to learn. One must remain cool and calm in such situations. It's also amazing that he had the song by heart, such that he could sing it right away unhesitantly. He probably sang quite often. Again, practice, practice, practice. Ur efforts will pay off.
Zhu Cheng
Selamat pagi

Hi all,
For Mat, Justin and Han Wei, please give me a chance. I really have quite a lot of homework. Haha,
Mas Selamat's here! And he's a rock star, a girl, a pirate, a scholar,etc.
Mas Selamat ran away during a toilet break. The two police man, I dun know how and why, didn't go in and check the toilet even after a long time. Mas Selamat climbs over thru the window, and poof? He's gone! And he's limp!!!! Mas Selamat caught the two boddo policemen unaware, ran across the field, climbed onto the rooof of a covered pathway, dropped down over a fence
Firstly, this reflects on our complacency and take-4-granted attitude. The policemen definitely know that he's a fugitive, and they jolly well know that he's the most dangerous one in town! They probably thought that he was limp, and can't really do anything. But here's the thing. The toilet facilities are designed such that u can climb from one thing up to another, up to the window? (the toilet seat cover, then to the toilet paper holder, etc. It would be rather simple for anybody, as long as he's mobile. Besides, Mas Selamat possesses incredible survival skills, as his "comrade" had stated. He was able to survive without getting caught by the defence forces for A YEAR. He was finally discovered on April 1 at a hawker centre in Skudai, working as an assistant (he had a long beard).

Next, I must admit that we have quite a number of flawas in our security and defence. Firstly, Mas Selamat was able to escape to the shores of Singapore, and even build a swimming aid for himself there. Without being noticed and caught! OK. Let's be systematic. Firstly, the toilets shouldn't be designed in such a way in the first place. It is very prone to escapes. Secondly, we need to improve the working attitudes of our Singaporean defence forces men. Thirdly, the guards really have to be more observant, and there should be better planning. Since the river separating the shores of Malaysia and Singapore is so small, the guards jolly well know that this is an ideal place for fugitives to escape (Any schoolboy can swim 1.1km, needless to say the leader of JI, even if he's not a proficient swimmer)
OK that's it for Mas Selamat (for now)
Zhu Cheng
npcc stuff
Hi all.
I'll be talking 'bout npcc stuff. Remember Npcc day?
Ha ,I was wearing the uniform. It was really hard to wear and prepare. Firstly, you have to fix on all the badges buttons, ranks, etc. etc. Quite tiring work. Next. we have to polish both our belts and boots (belt's not that important) We have 2 use KIWI solid shoe-polishing wax (black colour). First is the layering, where we have to use our finger, applied mildly with shoe wax, and wipe it on the boots, most importantly the shoe cap, in a circular motion. Next is the polishing. This time. we have 2 use a little water. We wipe it around the boots for maybe 10-20times. Ta-DA! The boots must have a mirror-shine effect, and u must be able to see urself on the shoe-cap. Otherwise, u have 2 repeat the whole process, which takes around an hour, again. If ur boots are not shiny enough, u will get it from the officer. This applies to NS too, so u all better learn this now!
On the day itself, we arrived in school at 6.15, at the SALT centre. Changing into the uniform is really tedious. The button holes are too small, hence a lot of force is needed to push the buttons through. There's also a unique (and tedious) way of tying our bootlaces. THen, we began to fall in at the Concourse. A uniform check was conducted. We practised several drills before moving on to the terraces. THe night before NPCC day, I was rushing a birthday card for our teacher ic-mrs. Loke (Of course lah! I am from AEP, making me the definite "target victim"/scapegoat.)
Standing at the terraces for such a long time was really taxing, and with the sun beating down so strongly, we were literally drenched. PLUS the uniform was a little uncomfortable, though I love it. After a mass phototaking session, we proceeded on with lessons. I must admit that being one of the only ones in the class weaing the NPCC uniform made me feel special, and in a way responsible. I luv my uniform. Some people say I look shuai while wearing it.
I forgot to wear my NPCC cap(don't know how to smell its correct name) outside shelter once, at around 1.25p.m., while heading for the SALT centre. I was unfortunately caught by one NCO (Kenneth Sir, for Aloy and Shi lin).
I really look forward to the next time I am wearing my uniform.
And for Mat, Justin and Han Wei, please give me a chance when i'm posting on mon, around 8.00a.m. I really have a lot of work.
Zhu Cheng
I'll be talking 'bout npcc stuff. Remember Npcc day?
Ha ,I was wearing the uniform. It was really hard to wear and prepare. Firstly, you have to fix on all the badges buttons, ranks, etc. etc. Quite tiring work. Next. we have to polish both our belts and boots (belt's not that important) We have 2 use KIWI solid shoe-polishing wax (black colour). First is the layering, where we have to use our finger, applied mildly with shoe wax, and wipe it on the boots, most importantly the shoe cap, in a circular motion. Next is the polishing. This time. we have 2 use a little water. We wipe it around the boots for maybe 10-20times. Ta-DA! The boots must have a mirror-shine effect, and u must be able to see urself on the shoe-cap. Otherwise, u have 2 repeat the whole process, which takes around an hour, again. If ur boots are not shiny enough, u will get it from the officer. This applies to NS too, so u all better learn this now!
On the day itself, we arrived in school at 6.15, at the SALT centre. Changing into the uniform is really tedious. The button holes are too small, hence a lot of force is needed to push the buttons through. There's also a unique (and tedious) way of tying our bootlaces. THen, we began to fall in at the Concourse. A uniform check was conducted. We practised several drills before moving on to the terraces. THe night before NPCC day, I was rushing a birthday card for our teacher ic-mrs. Loke (Of course lah! I am from AEP, making me the definite "target victim"/scapegoat.)
Standing at the terraces for such a long time was really taxing, and with the sun beating down so strongly, we were literally drenched. PLUS the uniform was a little uncomfortable, though I love it. After a mass phototaking session, we proceeded on with lessons. I must admit that being one of the only ones in the class weaing the NPCC uniform made me feel special, and in a way responsible. I luv my uniform. Some people say I look shuai while wearing it.
I forgot to wear my NPCC cap(don't know how to smell its correct name) outside shelter once, at around 1.25p.m., while heading for the SALT centre. I was unfortunately caught by one NCO (Kenneth Sir, for Aloy and Shi lin).
I really look forward to the next time I am wearing my uniform.
And for Mat, Justin and Han Wei, please give me a chance when i'm posting on mon, around 8.00a.m. I really have a lot of work.
Zhu Cheng
recent stuff
Hi all
Back and posting again. It's been a long time since I posted. Really very easy with all those stuff, especially my AEP and Grade 8 stuff. Homework is peaking.
Firstly, results. AhHa. To the pleasure of SOME of u, I screwed up for this term. Let me be systematic. Firstly, my Chinese. I fared quite badly for my Chinese compos and letters lately. Wonder why. Fang lao shi says I'm having too much pressure.Fortunately, I have my chinese paper 1 as back up. 66/70. Quite well done. Next, my SCIENCE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!???????? I missed A1 by 0.7!!!!!!!!!! 26/35. I know I'm being egoistic, but this will really pull down my MSG. What will others say?
Though the Infocomm results are not out yet, I know I am NOT going 2 do well. I didn't exactly revise the day before, with all my AEP stuff, NPCC uniform prep, you name it. There were quite a number of handouts to revise, n I certainly didn't read thru all of them. I really should manage my time better. Then I can have sufficient revision time. I expect 2 pass the test, maybe with a C5 or sth.
There's really alot of AEP stuff, notably design homework. We are majoring in graphic design, where there's flat imaging, image reduction, etc. I was rushing thru all the stuff I owed Mr Lee Fortunately, I have now successfully O$P$. Currently, for the AEP lessons, we are working on photoshop - poster and card design. These are much more challenging then the earlier IS assignments. There's no criteria to follow, no guide to rely on. It all depends on ur creativity . We are now working on a poster design competition, which is about food wastage and environmental conservation. It's due next Thur. Quite a rushed schedule.
That's all for this post.
Zhu Cheng
Back and posting again. It's been a long time since I posted. Really very easy with all those stuff, especially my AEP and Grade 8 stuff. Homework is peaking.
Firstly, results. AhHa. To the pleasure of SOME of u, I screwed up for this term. Let me be systematic. Firstly, my Chinese. I fared quite badly for my Chinese compos and letters lately. Wonder why. Fang lao shi says I'm having too much pressure.Fortunately, I have my chinese paper 1 as back up. 66/70. Quite well done. Next, my SCIENCE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!???????? I missed A1 by 0.7!!!!!!!!!! 26/35. I know I'm being egoistic, but this will really pull down my MSG. What will others say?
Though the Infocomm results are not out yet, I know I am NOT going 2 do well. I didn't exactly revise the day before, with all my AEP stuff, NPCC uniform prep, you name it. There were quite a number of handouts to revise, n I certainly didn't read thru all of them. I really should manage my time better. Then I can have sufficient revision time. I expect 2 pass the test, maybe with a C5 or sth.
There's really alot of AEP stuff, notably design homework. We are majoring in graphic design, where there's flat imaging, image reduction, etc. I was rushing thru all the stuff I owed Mr Lee Fortunately, I have now successfully O$P$. Currently, for the AEP lessons, we are working on photoshop - poster and card design. These are much more challenging then the earlier IS assignments. There's no criteria to follow, no guide to rely on. It all depends on ur creativity . We are now working on a poster design competition, which is about food wastage and environmental conservation. It's due next Thur. Quite a rushed schedule.
That's all for this post.
Zhu Cheng
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